Pool Rides to Reduce Your Stress

Commuting from point A to B in India is notoriously stressful; in extreme cases, it can have negative effects on the health and wellbeing of the nation.

With the IT boom in India, terms like projects, deadlines, overtime and stress have become an integral part of every Indian youth’s life. The daily commute to work just adds to the already high-stress levels. Things like long commutes which reduce the number of personal hours a person has, traffic congestion, rising transportation costs and the problems around finding a little parking space are all making commuting in India a stressful experience. It is a common practice to arrive at the office an hour or two earlier than they are due to start working, just to secure a car parking space. 

Studies have shown that the duration of a commute is directly correlated with the potential of adverse health effects. Traffic jams in rush hours are common occurrences in many cities and this increases the commute time leading to increased stress, high blood pressure, and body mass index.  

Now that is a serious problem but how do we solve it.

Increase Carpool and Bikepool to decrease traffic
What if we could magically start making new roads and flyovers to accommodate the traffic or somehow reduce the number of cars on the road. We can reduce the number of cars and bikes on the road through pooling and ride sharing.

Ride-sharing apps like PYKUPZ , an innovative smart mobility solution which can help organizations improve the wellness of their employees by providing shared transportation  solution, which can reduce the number of cars and bikes on the road, it can significantly reduce daily travel cost for individuals. Now you can enjoy your ride to and from the office with your friends instead of being stuck alone behind the wheel.

Rideshare apps in India for Carpool and Bikepool
The government and companies can also encourage pooling by providing pooling lanes on the roads for faster commute and priority parking for pooled cars which would help in reducing the commute time and reducing the stress of finding a parking space and even enabling employees to have more personal time. With this extra time in hand, one can spend time with family which is emotionally gratifying and reduces stress. Carpooling can strengthen the existing friendship and help in making new friends; it can help reduce anxiety in stressful situations as now your friends got your back.

Ride-sharing apps like PYKUPZ provide prior scheduling of rides enabling a hassle-free experience and it is also a great way to make new friends. PYKUPZ has its services all over India and it has its bike taxi services available in Hyderabad.

The key features that keep PYKUPZ a league apart from others is its ease of use and ability to ride with known people. PYKUPZ app is available on all android devices and can be easily downloaded from the Google Play store.

When you can't fight the devil, you need to learn to live with it.


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